There are many types of investment and promotion programs in the AVStar September community portfolio. There are countless recent portfolio reports for avstar partner projects. The portfolio is continuously updated every month for improvement.

What is the AVStar September Community Update?
1. Invested Projects
The AVStar community in September noted that a lot was invested. Counted 50 projects invested, also this one community helps them in the field of marketing that is much better. Namely AMAs, youtube videos, banners, moon sheets, infographics, and so on.
The project forwarding news to the AVStar community channel has also contributed to the development of local communities in Indonesia. Hopefully, in the future, we will be more advanced and useful for investment, especially in Indonesia. The number of investors in mod Indonesia also continues to increase.
It is noted that there are only a few Crypto investors in Indonesia, accounting for 5% of the total number of investors in Indonesia. This is a potential opportunity for crypto project developers and AVStar Capital as real investors. This investor will get a quite unique addition.
By the end of 2021, there will also be hundreds of thousands more people willing to become crypto investors. Exponential growth and government support are also obtained as well as regulations that tend to be friendly to cryptocurrencies. So the chances will be even greater.
2. What the Community Gets
This AVStar community capital has also provided partnership prizes for some loyal members. It has also succeeded in establishing partnerships and investments with several entrepreneurs in various industrial fields. This also applies to the blockchain sector, where AVStar Capital is also waiting for its development.
The community program itself is fully supported by AVStar, which now has more members than membership. This commitment is expected to continue to advance both from the project and investor sides. Another hope is that the digital asset injector, namely AVStar, will continue to grow.
Various types of long-term and short-term investments will always be based on the democratic voice of the people. Promotion and development of potential companies in the digital asset sector will also continue to be carried out and developed by the best and most trusted community, namely AVStar.
There are things that are believed for the continuity of market segmentation and are important for the company’s financial strategy. This exclusive selection for promotion and development has been done carefully based on the team’s research analysis.
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